Tuesday, July 13, 2010


On Friday we visited Solomon's Island. We went to the Calvert Marine Museum and had a scavenger hunt. While at the musuem we saw ships, a lighthouse and assorted marine life, including otters, blue crabs, terrapins and much more. That night we were treated to dinner at Jerry's Subs and Pizza. We were so hungry we almost finished 10 whole pizzas!
On Saturday, we woke up early to go shark tooth hunting at Calvert Cliffs. We found a tigershark tooth and some of us started skipping rocks. It soon turned into a competition and the highest score was 12 skips. We went back to camp in the pouring rain and waited under the pavilion for the van to arrive. We decided to tell a story. Each person would say a few sentences and it would continue along the circle. The story was soon blown out of proportion by the campers imagination. It started with two people taking a canoe trip and ended with the people being raised by eagles and hunted down by the FBI. Once we got on the boat we made it halfway to Tilghman's Island, but unfortunately had to turn around due to weather conditions.
On Sunday we finally got to go to Tilghman's Island at the cost of skipping St. Michael's. When we got there we met Ms. Kelly and saw a bunch of marine life such as oysters, crabs, terrapins, horseshoe crabs, eel, pufferfish and striped bass. After that port watch helped wash the boat while starboard watch prepared camp. After dinner we all got to use our cell phones, but unfortunatly very few of us got sevice.
That's just a few of the things we have done so far.
By: Ellie, Emberly and Lo

El Viernes fuimos a la isla de Solomon. Fuimos al Museo Marino de Calvert y tuvimos una busqueda de objectos. En el museo miramos barrcos, casa de luz y animales marinos, que indoye tortugas, cangrejos, y nutias. Esa noche comimas pizza en Jerry's Subs and Pizza. Teniamos tanta hambre que nos comimos 10 pizzas en total.
El Sabado, nos levantamos temprano para buscar dientes de tiburon en Calvert Cliffs. Encontramos un diente numas and unos de nosotros empesamos a brincar piedras en el agua. Rapidamente, se convirtio en una competicion y la calificasion mas alta fue 12 brincos. Regresamos al campamento en la tormenta de lluvia and esperamos al autobus. Por mientras que esperavamos contamos una historia. Cada persona decia pocas oraciones and continuavamos al rededor del circulo de esa manera. La historia se desenfoco del tema por la imaginacion de los 12 alumnos. Empeso con dos personas en una canoa and termino con la gente siendo criada por agilas and siendo persigido por la FBI. Cuando hos suvimos al barrco numas viajamos asta mitad del camino Isla Tilghman, por que estaba llobiendo muy fuerte.
El Domingo llegamos a la Isla Tilghman. Cuando llegamos cono cimos a senorita Kelly y maramos almejas, cangrejos, tortugas, muchos mas. Despues de eso, port watch (mitad de los estu diantes lavo el barrco). Starboard watch (la otia mixad) puso todas las casas de campana. Despues de la cena recivimos nuestros celuranres paratras, pero poco de nosotros recivimos cenal.
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Friday, July 9, 2010

The Journey Begins!

Dear friends and family,
Yesterday we traveled out of Baltimore down to Tilghman Island in a van. We met our captain and boarded the ship. We learned how to cast off and set out onto the bay. We had a nice but rather hot ride and learned more about the boat. We also had a splash party on the deck. Then, we sailed up the Choptank River and docked here at Horn Point. We learned how to set up camp and we have a great view of the bay (except for the bugs of course). The food is excellent. Today, we went to an oyster restoration lab down the road. We learned about oysters and how this program helped restore there population in the bay. We got to move oyster shells and clean oyster enclosures. After that, we took a half hour hike to a little beach. There were crab shells and sea lettuce all over the beach. The water was warm and comfortable, and our group even found a snail colony. We went swimming and then returned to our camp to eat the delicious food.
- Marisa
- Natalie
- Ailyn

Queridos amigos y familia,
Aller viajamos de Baltimore a la Isla Tilghman en un autobus. Conocimos a nuestro capitan nos subimos al barrco. Aprendimos a despegar y aterrizar en el mar. Tuvimos un buen viaje, pero tambien caliente, y aprendimos sobre el barrco. Tambien tuvimos una fiesta de agua en el barrco. Luego navegamos acia el Choptank River y aterrizamos aqui en Horn Point. Apprendimos a preparar las casas de campana y nos divertimos mucho en Chesapeake Bay (excepto con los bichos). La comida es excelente. Aohrra, fuimos a un laboratorio de restoracion de almejas cerca de aqui. Apprendimos sobre almejas y como este programa ayuda a restaurar el numero de almejas en el mar. Nosotros movimos conchas de almejas y limpiamos los tankes en donde viven. Despues de eso caminamos por media hora a un paya chico. Abia eskeletos de cangrejo y lechuga marina alrededor de toda la playa. El aqua estaba tivia y comoda y huestro grupo encontro una colonia de caracoles. Nadamos y luego regresamos a comer nuestra cena deliaosa.
Traducido por: Ailyn, Adryan, Manny