Monday, July 3, 2017

Day Seven: Syrup, Swimming, and Seining

Strictly speaking, some of this belongs in yesterday's post, but it was late enough to warrant inclusion in this post.
After bedtime last night, we had another storm roll through—bad enough to warrant waking the crew up, getting out of tents, and moving to a pavilion for shelter. Not to worry, everyone was safe, but it did provide for an hour or so of downtime late at night. Never ones to waste time, the students entertained themselves with stories and shadow puppets.
Our new late-night friend.

The morning brought us another surprise: all of our pancake syrup spilled in our food tub. That made for a messy cleanup for Port Watch.

All over the place.

When we got to the ship, we discovered another surprise: one of the lines had gotten caught up near the top of the mast, so one of the professional crew members had to go retrieve it.

Don't worry, she's roped in.

We finally got ourselves under way, and a good few hours of sailing brought us to Point Lookout, where we finally, at long last, got to go swimming at a bona fide beach.

Building an aquarium to hold fish we caught while Seine netting...

...And using the Seine net.

One of our catches.

A nice dinner was followed by rod-and-reel fishing off the pier, and that's all the news from Sigsbee as we wrap up the last few days of the adventure!

A few of the pier and fishing.

I think this is the first trip selfie. I certainly didn't take it.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I'm so thankful to God that Faviola had the oppotunity to experience and learn so much in this wonderful trip at Chesapeak Bay.