Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day Four--Oysters and Jellies and Rain Oh My

Today we went to the Oyster Hatchery at Horn Point, which is run by the University of Maryland. We had soooo much fun. It was like a dream. We got to scrub huge tanks so the oysters could have a clean environment, which was cool. Then we saw clown fish and sturgeon. Our RA Amanda was staring so intently at the positively radiant sturgeon that we had to pull her away when it was time to move on. After that, we saw oysters. A lot of them. Many of them had clams and worms growing on their shells. We all breathed in the scent of bay water for so long that it's still in our noses. When we were collecting oysters to sample the spat (baby oysters) on their shells, Ethan and Jackie got stung by jellyfish so they got to enjoy a special meat tenderizer paste that made their stings feel better. They want their parents to know that jellyfish stings tickle. Oh yeah, and it rained so hard today that a few of us took showers in the rain!

Sophie, Veda, and a little bit of Ethan

The photos are of us drying our nails after painting them pink and orange with Rachel's polish, of Amanda showering in the rain, and of all of us in the truck after loading two hundred bags with oyster shells.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sigsbee Crew;
It's great to hear of your exciting adventures. Great to see all of you in good health despite your jelly fish stings. Looking forward to your future escapdes!

P.S. How do the oysters like your colored toe nails!
P.P.S. Last night was the "Midnight Madness" Debut of the latest Harry Potter book but it sounds like you guys had the better time!

Love to Jackie,
From Dad, Mom, Liz and Holly

Glade Skiers said...

Dear Sigsbee Crew,

Ouch! We are sorry to hear of your encounters with the jellyfish. We hope you have recovered.

Love the toenails. We've downloaded the picture to share with your friends.

Love to Ethan from Mom, Dad & Aidan