Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lucky or Just Really Good?

Yesterday I was one of the two people who DIDN"T get stung by a jellyfish. Yay! Last night we had smores and they were delicious. I'm having a blast here.

Last night I learned some card games: Donkey, Big 2, Spades, Blackjack, Hearts, and another solitare. I also did well and won a couple times. At the end of the day we made smores. That was one great day.

After an extremely lucky escape from the jellyfish sting epidemic, I scraped myself up while climbing a tree. Otherwise camp is good and I'm learning a lot like how to put up a tent and make instant oatmeal (first and last things I learned on the trip so far). I really want a shower though which was made apparent when I got ecstatic over being able to wash myself with car soap and a hose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Veda!
---Hope your having fun! :]
and see you in about one week.
