Besides things like oysters, ships, coiling rope, knots, navigating, striking a sail, and positioning fenders, we also learned a bunch about ourselves and our team. This is what we know:
Navigating through the water is like navigating through life. You have to have a sense of direction if you're going to get somewhere. You should know where you're going but sometimes you don't have to. For me, this trip helps me to feel like I have a purpose. -Matt
I learned that I'm energitic and I can use this energy for sports or also to help people. -David
I thought work would be boring, but it is acutally fun. -also David
I learned about oysters but I also learned a lot about people. People from different cultures and the same culture were really, really fun. -Sarah
Teamwork helps out a lot. It makes everything easier and faster. For example, we were carrying a canoe with four people and it was a little heavy but not too hard. Then two people joined us and it was a whole lot lighter for everybody. -Mickey
If you're on a team and you don't cooperate things don't get done like they should. Cooperation is the key to teamwork. -Amna
It's easier to work in groups than by yourself. -Paul
Always be aware of your surroundings, even if it's just a little bit. -Henry (you might want to ask him about this one when you see him)
If you're on a team and you communicate, then each task will be a lot easier. -Earl
Without one person the whole team won't work right. If one person is homesick, the rest of the team can make him feel at home so they won't be sad and the whole group will benefit. -Patrick
Every single member is important and teamwork is necessary. If your team succeeds you succeed. Think about the team. -James
Navigating through the water is like navigating through life. You have to have a sense of direction if you're going to get somewhere. You should know where you're going but sometimes you don't have to. For me, this trip helps me to feel like I have a purpose. -Matt
I learned that I'm energitic and I can use this energy for sports or also to help people. -David
I thought work would be boring, but it is acutally fun. -also David
I learned about oysters but I also learned a lot about people. People from different cultures and the same culture were really, really fun. -Sarah
Teamwork helps out a lot. It makes everything easier and faster. For example, we were carrying a canoe with four people and it was a little heavy but not too hard. Then two people joined us and it was a whole lot lighter for everybody. -Mickey
If you're on a team and you don't cooperate things don't get done like they should. Cooperation is the key to teamwork. -Amna
It's easier to work in groups than by yourself. -Paul
Always be aware of your surroundings, even if it's just a little bit. -Henry (you might want to ask him about this one when you see him)
If you're on a team and you communicate, then each task will be a lot easier. -Earl
Without one person the whole team won't work right. If one person is homesick, the rest of the team can make him feel at home so they won't be sad and the whole group will benefit. -Patrick
Every single member is important and teamwork is necessary. If your team succeeds you succeed. Think about the team. -James
Hello everyone!
It sounds like you are having a good time! We know it must be hot but I'm sure you are keeping cool in the breeze and the water. The trip looks fabulous, can't wait to see the pictures - maybe on a disc after you land?
Have fun! Donna Grogan
What learning experiences. I am glad to hear that you are having a lot of fun and learning at the same time. Enjoy.
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